TSA Table 7 : Tourism Employment


Employment in Tourism industries (Number of jobs)

Serial No. Item Self Employed Employees Total
1 Accommodation services/Hotels 4345.0 5037.0 9382.0
2 Food and beverage serving services/Restaurants 23206.0 13228.0 36434.0
3 Railway passenger transport services 819.0 1873.0 2693.0
4 Road passenger transport services 53390.0 44000.0 97390.0
5 Water passenger transport services 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 Air passenger transport services 0.0 651.0 651.0
7 Transport equipment rental services 1377.0 0.0 1377.0
8 Travel agencies and other reservation services/ Supporting and auxiliary transport activities 4656.0 6089.0 10745.0
9 Cultural and religious services 1769.0 5539.0 7308.0
10 Sports and other recreational services 0.0 846.0 846.0
11 Health and medical related services 6521.0 109054.0 115576.0
Total jobs in tourism characteristic industries 96083.0 186318.0 282400.0
Total jobs in the state 1796977.0 2394417.0 4191394.0
Share of tourism in total 5.4 7.8 6.7